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Six Pack Abs Exercises

If you want hard walnut looking six pack abs then forget about sit ups as they're a complete waste of time.

I'm writing this article to tell you why sit-ups are total pants when it comes down to training your abs. I will also give you some much better exercises that will be much more effective than the world's most popular ab workout, the sit-up!

Why are sit-ups a waste of time?

1) They are just too easy.

Apart from people who are really out of shape and unfit and even then most can knock out 10, 20 or 30 quite easily.

In our industry anything that's easy is usually ineffective and usually doesn't work, surprisingly enough the world record holder can do over 2,900 in an hour and guess what? He doesn't have that great abs either.

2) They can really hurt your back.

The spine is a magnificent and unique piece of kit. It can bend and curl and is extremely flexible but doing repetitive movements time and time again can easily cause injury from over use.

Its far better to find an abdominal exercise routine that will deliver six pack abs with much fewer repetitions, this will save you a ton of time and be much easier on the back too!

3) They just don't work

When I was a youngster I had 5 brothers and we all wanted six pack abs, we all would do around 100 – 200 sit ups per night as fast as we could with one of the brothers taking in turn standing on your feet. After about a month we were all fed up as we had done over 6,000 sit-ups and not one of us had even a sign of 1 ab never mind six!

If you think about it if you keep moving your arm backwards and forwards to make a bicep curl a 100 times a night will it get bigger? No definitely not that's why doing sit-ups 50,100 times a day won't build great abs either, its just simply not enough muscle stimulation to break down muscle tissue.

So stop wasting your time with sit-ups and find yourself a routine that will not hurt your back and that's not that easy, and that actually works giving you six pack abs!

There are not that many six pack ab exercises that cut the mustard in fact most modern day techniques are rendered useless! This is why I'm here to tell you that there are 2 old school routines that really work just as long as you're eating habits are sound and nailed on!

Number 1

One of my absolute favourite old school ab routine is the roll out wheel. This little wheel with a handle at each side will teach your abs to work together along with the rest of your body which ends up in harder contractions and a far better exercise giving you rock hard abs.

Number 2

Another old school abdominal exercise is the hanging leg raises. Hang yourself from a chin up bar, your legs straight and then slowly raise your knees to your chest for more resistance stick a 5kg dumbbell in-between your feet to make it harder. Make sure your form is good and don't rush it, don't use momentum otherwise your cheating yourself by making it easy.

If your not seeing any results from your sit-ups then try these 2 old school ab exercises for a month, just remember if it's easy it's usually not working!

Who doesn’t want six pack abs?

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